Momma, Is it ever hot.
Please turn the temperature settings down.
Natsu, now, listen.
The government recommended a setting of 28 degrees.
You mean it ?
The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry started a campaign to save electricity in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
During the afternoon hours in July and August,
thermal and hydroelectric power may not be sufficient.
返信削除Your Momma loves fun just like ours :-)
(but safe electricity is very important
meow..meow.. we ask our Mommy :)
Hugs for the weekend
Kareltje =^.^= and Betsie >^.^<
My husband is always trying to conserve electricity here in Hawaii even though we have solar panels on the roof. We use fans before we turn on the air conditioner.
返信削除Hey Natsu, First of all..Miss you, I didn't see you for ages !!!
返信削除Sorry to hear it's so hot over there, you can come to visit me.. It's winter here ! or May be you can ask mommy to take a bath..heh..heh
Even the cats appreciate that air conditioning. We are spoiled by conveniences. I'm glad your country is recovering from such an incredible disaster and that you are safe even if not cool.
返信削除いい説明ですね! (^^)
Thanks so much your comment.
返信削除Japan is very humid and hot in summer. Un-air-conditioned room is like a sauna during scorching hot days with temperatures over 35 degrees. I wonder if we can -- in the event of a power outage -- survive in this summer ?
これから始まる夏、一体どうなるのでしょうね? 灼熱地獄で脱水症状にならないようナトリウム、カリウム、カルシウム、マグネシウム入りの某飲料水を飲むよう心がけるつもりです。ビールじゃダメなのかな?(笑)
My mama turns on the electric fan and I, Emma, sit infront of it and make myself cool. The the same thing.
返信削除Emma and Buster