
Things tormented himself

My husband was one of commuters
unable to get home in Tokyo, last night.
He returned home safe 3 hours after midnight.

Do you know what things tormented himself
at the time of disaster?
① Leather shoes.
He was out of his office at the time of earthquake.
Then, he walked back to his office for 3 hours from an outside location in Tokyo,
so he had blisters on his feet.

② Cedar pollen

More than 20 million people suffer from hay fever in Japan.
My husband and I have allergy to cedar pollen.
From the late of February, large quantities of cedar pollen
have been circulating in the air in Japan.
He produced symptoms of allergy,
and his eyes were all red and puffy.

He needed a tablet of medicine which controls allergic symptoms.

A secret foe gives a sudden blow.

Dear Friends,
Thanks for worrying about us._〆(・・ )
We can confirm family's safety. jё_ёjj
I pray that all of your family and friends in Japan are all right. (^-人-^)
