Thanks to Wikipedia.
known throughout various East Asian cultures.
中国の伝説上の動物 / 麒麟
This is following the style
of the ancient Chinese,
as Qilin was
ranked the highest, the Phoenix ranked second
and the Dragon the third.
and the Dragon the third.
We can find various Qilin/Legendary creature around
East Asia where we live in.
East Asia where we live in.
私達が住む 東アジア近隣の国々では様々な麒麟を見つける事ができます。
Then, I just happened to find the rare small
Chinese rhinoceros-horn seal carved Qilin
at an antique shop in Insadong of the South Korean , Seoul.Chinese rhinoceros-horn seal carved Qilin
At first, I couldn't detect what the squamous mythical beasts is.
そんな中、私達は偶然にも 韓国ソウル市内の 骨董街 / 仁寺洞で、
珍しいサイの角でできた 麒麟の印 を見つける事ができました。当初、私は うろこ模様をもつ この神話上の獣が何か判りませんでした。
It was a must-get souvenir
from the moment I sat eyes on the Qilin's seal.
Being not so much expensive for me,
but I had been mulling over buying it for a while and decided to buy it.
This one and embroidered sewing goods are only
a few souvenirs for me from Korea.
一目惚れでした。 それ程高価でもなかったのですが、
迷いに迷って ほんの少しおまけしてもらって購入しました。
私が大事に持ち帰ったのは これと 手刺繍の施された裁縫道具だけです。
Although it looks fearsome, the Qilin only punishes the wicked.
It can
walk on grass yet not trample the blades,
and it can also walk on water.
and it can also walk on water.
As it is a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh.
It takes
great care when it walks never to harm or tread on any living thing,
and it is said to appear only in areas ruled by a wise and benevolent
(some say even if this area is only a house).
It is normally
gentle but can become fierce
if a pure person is threatened by a sinner,
if a pure person is threatened by a sinner,
spouting flames from its mouth and exercising other fearsome powers.
Also the Qilin is described as having antlers like a deer
and scales like a dragon or fish;
and scales like a dragon or fish;
since the giraffe has horn-like "ossicones" on its head and
a tessellated coat pattern that looks like scales it is easy to draw
an analogy between the two creatures.
a tessellated coat pattern that looks like scales it is easy to draw
an analogy between the two creatures.
足元の虫や植物を踏むことさえ恐れるほど 殺生を嫌うと言われています。
ですが、誠実なものが 邪なものに脅かされる時には 豹変し激しく怒ります。
名称に雌雄の区別があり オスの麒麟を「麒(き)」、メスを「麟(りん)」
曲がる時は直角に曲がるそうです。 なんとも律儀ですね(笑)
We saw a Japanese movie 《Wings of the Qilin》 on our flight.
Suddenly I could notice that this mythical beasts must be the Qilin
by some amazing coincidence during watching the movie on return flight.
Suddenly I could notice that this mythical beasts must be the Qilin
by some amazing coincidence during watching the movie on return flight.
Although Qilin don't have wings normally,
the Qilin statues in Nihonbashi, Tokyo have wings.
I hear it has intents that one sculptor wished
you can go safely anywhere and participate actively
in your new world from Tokyo.
Flight over Tokyo Sky Tree / TV Tower
The 634-meter Tokyo Sky Tree will be opened on May 22, 2012.
It became the tallest structure in Japan.
Flight over Tokyo Sky Tree / TV Tower
The 634-meter Tokyo Sky Tree will be opened on May 22, 2012.
It became the tallest structure in Japan.
I pray for your active steps for the next departures.
大きな災害、さまざまな挫折で自信を失った人々が 今再び 希望と誇りを持ち
返信削除麒麟ならやっぱり首が長くないとダメですよね (〟-_・)! 私の当初の計画ではエステ三昧で、ゆっくりするつもりだったのですが、結局家族揃って まる3日間地下鉄を乗り換えソウル市内を足が棒になる限界まで歩き周りました。優雅にゆっくりできない性分なんでしょうね。(^▽^;)
削除Anzusさん、こんばんは。 キリンビールのキリンは中国の伝説の動物の麒麟ですね。キリンやKIRINと書かれるとついgifaffeと思ってしまいますが確かに麒麟とも書いてあります。あのマークをみるたびに不思議に思っていたんですがようやくわかりました。ありがとうございます。 韓国旅行、素敵なお買い物ができてよかったですね。
返信削除日本の十二支に麒麟がいない為でしょうか? 力ある伝説の生き物といば、龍か神社の狛犬ですね。麒麟がこんなにも心優しく正義感の強い守護神とは思いませんでした。旅先で迷ったならできれば購入する方がいいですね。いつもいろいろ迷って結局買わず、帰ってから後悔するタイプです。(;^_^
削除I have never heard of the Qilin. It is a very fascinating and magical creature. I understand your desire to buy the beautiful souvenir. I also would have bought it (after much thinking and wishing). Sorry I haven't commented much on your blog but I couldn't make the comment window work.
返信削除Hi! Leenie, Thank you for stopping.
削除I'm glad to hear you also will buy souvenirs after much thinking and wishing.
I feel vaguely disappointed to think a little souvenir was the one that got away.
ε=( ̄。 ̄;)
返信削除麒麟と動物園のキリンは別物なんですね! 動物園のキリン、長い睫毛と反芻を繰り返す表情は穏やかそうですが、怒るとあの長い首で攻撃するそうです。かないませんね。w(・・;)w...
削除Lol) This was some discription!! We could certainly use one of those..I could see how you would begin to notice them everywhere. A terrific post Ann!
返信削除Hey, in regard to your last comments..don't worry, language can be a bit of a barrier for me too but I think you do well- and I appreciate you!! (warm hugs)~
I'm glad to hear you could enjoy my story. It's one of fun to see more about the human's emotions about small matters like a shopping. The antique shop's owner were laughing at me as I had been mulling over buying it.(;^◇^;)ゝ