Wow, oh ya, this makes for a fabulous picnic!! I can just imagine the breeze..lovely night time shots and you did an excellent job on your series in monochrome Ann!! The lights and watery reflections are very attractive..wishing you a delightful weekend~~
Yes, Wow! That is amazing to have a Ferris Wheel in the middle of the city. You must have had a super time. I like the black and white photos especially.
Wow, oh ya, this makes for a fabulous picnic!! I can just imagine the breeze..lovely night time shots and you did an excellent job on your series in monochrome Ann!! The lights and watery reflections are very attractive..wishing you a delightful weekend~~
返信削除Yes, Wow! That is amazing to have a Ferris Wheel in the middle of the city. You must have had a super time. I like the black and white photos especially.
返信削除Feels to be a chance to visit another, happy, bright and kind world. Thank you for this glimpse.
返信削除Please have you all a good new week.
daily athens
返信削除私達には食傷ぎみの風景、なんとか新鮮にしてみたいと出来る範囲で工夫してみました。このような写真を褒めて頂き照れくさいです。(^◇^;)ゝ 夏は白黒写真が涼しげでいいですね。