Celebrate the start of harvest.
Autumn is a tasteful season.
なんでも 味わい深い秋
Wow !
A Basket of Autumnal Japanese Cakes
Double in the Mirror !
あ ら 不 思 議 ? ごちそうが 二倍 ! 二倍 !
Be careful not to find your double-chin in a mirror !
二重顎 警報 発令中大雨 暴風 波浪 警報 発令中!
Typhoon No.15 is on its way to Tokyo, Japan
Heavy rain/Hurricane/High-Wave Warning.while writing this very blog !
------------ Alert -----------吹くからに 秋の草木の しをるれば
むべ山風を 嵐といふらむ
文屋 康秀 22
Plants in autumn wither as soon as the wind blows from mountains.
Oh, I see, that's why we call the wind from mountains "storm" probably.
("storm" consists of "mountain" and "wind" in kanji.)
山に風で 「嵐」か なるほどねぇ。
白露に 風の吹きしく 秋の野は
つらぬきとめぬ 玉ぞ散りける
文屋 朝康 37
How beautiful the fields in autumn with the dewdrops on the grass
scattering like unchained beads windblown constantly are !
scattering like unchained beads windblown constantly are !
秋の野原で キラキラ光る草の露を風が吹き飛ばす
糸がほどけて飛び散る真珠を見るような 一瞬の美しさだ
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Is the Red one is mochi ?
返信削除My mom love mochi...she said " YUM ! "
Welcome ! Mr.Puddy =ΦwΦ=
返信削除Please tell mom that:
The red sweet chestnut is made from sweet potatoes. The orange persimmon is made from vegetable gelatin. As you know, it has a wonderful, chewy texture. ρ(゚○゚)σ(゚~゚)
What a beautiful photo! I want to eat them, if possible.
返信削除I hope you were not affected by massive typhoon..
Very tasteful indeed! I almost licked my computer monitor. Oh, well...I'll have to find something yummy around here. I liked the pictures of the evergreen tree. Now I know why paintings of Japanese trees look different. Japanese evergreens are not the same as ours.
返信削除Stay safe from those storms!
返信削除地震やら台風やらで、チキンな雄猫 今年は狭い額に冷や汗だらけです。昨日の強風は私達でも怖かったです。幸い家族も早めに帰宅できました。震災と自然災害 農家の方々のご苦労察するに余りある事でしょう。
以前snowwhiteさんの素晴らし和菓子撮影に感化されました。かるたですが、尾形光琳が下絵を描き光琳工房の画工に彩色させた原画を京都のかるた屋さんが復刻させた物のようです。縁あって譲ってもえました。私は国文学の知識はなく、絵と文字を愉しんでます。阿部サダオ情報に感謝です! (゚∇^*)
cocominoさんがこの交通混乱の中、無事帰宅されたかしら?と案じていました。東京は電車が止まるだけで もう大混乱ですね。ヤレヤレ (・Θ・;)
I'm waiting for your Yummy !
Japanese pine tree in my garden is trimmed to make it look better by practical gardener at the end of the year. Pine tree requires great care like my doggy. (´-`)┌
返信削除lol) I second that on the double chin! Very tasty and elegant looking Ann!
返信削除Wow, I wouldn't want to be stuck out in that weather..I hope you'll be OK! A new season is upon us..the trees are pretty here.
Wishing you a peaceful weekend-
返信削除We are happy to be here again
I needed a break :(
Your sweeties looking adorable
(I wish I could drink tea with you and than i could tast one or two ;-)
Hugs from us all
and have a nice sunday
Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<
返信削除I'm glad of your visit and comment.Thank you !
Kilauea Poetry
Thanks Legina.
It's my dream that your lovely blacky and mine will make up a sports team. U^皿^U
Hi ! Anya
I'm pleased to know your recent event.
I would like to give you the traditional Japanese hospitality at Japanese garden in fall.
I cannot comment on your new post ???????????
返信削除I hope you stayed safe in the storms. I also wanted to comment on your new post, lovely photos and words but you have turned off comments.
返信削除I am back today but it works NOT :(
返信削除I'm sorry for not replying sooner. (≧≦;
Again, my apologies. ヾ(_ _。)