
Setsubun in Japan

February 3rd is Setsubun / 節分 in Japan.
According to the lunar calendar,
winter ends on this day.
Setsubun literally means
"the day between two seasons."

People do various events
to expel evil spirits and attract good fortune.
The day's main event is
the bean-scattering ceremony / 豆まき.

People hurl roasted soybeans
around the entrances and rooms of their homes,
shouting "Fortune in and demons out!"
「Fortune in / 福は内!Demons out / 鬼は外!」

Demons dislike
Dried Sardine
and Holly, too.

People also eat the same number
of soybeans as their age,
wishing for good health and prosperity.

Goma is disappointed to hear
he can eat beans of just three.

There is another custom which
people eat rolled sushi for good luck / 恵方巻寿司
while facing the year's auspicious direction .

2010 year's auspiciousdirection is
west-southwest .

It was the snow for the first time in two years
in Tokyo
on yesterday February 2nd.

Click to enlarge the photo.

Spring is around the corner.

---------------- none-of-the-above ----------------

They slink around the corner.
I wonder what they are doing ?

7 件のコメント:

  1. That's so interesting! Love all the images and illustrations. Have a good week!

  2. Nice to read that the spring starts tomorrow!!
    I wish it was here 2mrw spring :-)
    Lovely and informative post THANKS.
    Your pictures are very cute !!
    Nice to know about those beans
    (I must eat many soybeans....LOL)

    Enjoy your first springday
    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  3. Oh is a day truly special and beautiful: thanks for this wonderful post, even the photos are magnificent!

  4. Thank you so very much for this entry of yours. Learning your language for about a year now, dreaming about visiting some day, this was of much interest indeed.
    Found me a couple of blossoms as well, seems indeed that spring arrives.
    Please have a wonderful Wednesday.

  5. Thanks for all the information on the celebration of the changing of seasons. I like it and I like that winter is over on Feb 3rd. Our calendar says Spring begins March 21st. Wow you had some snow. Good or bad? We have a little snow in November and that was it. Love the figure hats on the animals.

    Thanks for the visit. MaryBeth

  6. The last shot is amazing and the spring photos are beautiful! Very nice information about a tradition I've never heard of.


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