It's said the Samurai spirit is in the Japanese genes.
However, it's difficult to say what that is.
私たち日本人のDNAにある 侍魂とは何かを言い表すのは難しい。
If I were to use one word, it may be that
Harmony with others is stressed; the system that teaches self-restraint
produces people who don't lose control, even in the face of chaos.
あえて一言で言えば、他人との調和を重んじ、自分を押さえ、produces people who don't lose control, even in the face of chaos.
混乱の中でも理性を失わない精神ではないかと 私は考えます。
Related to Bushido (samurai spirit), Games respect fair play.
When we compete head-on against the entrance exam or international match,
Even today, many Japanese tend to compare it to " The Battle of Sekigahara "
今日でも、いざ勝負という時 私達が言いがちなのが、
(Click on the picture to see the enlargement.)
When the battle was extremely harsh,Japan's civil war commanders might have murmured
"That's in a pinch, our family crest-flags are reducing !"
That means it's hopelessly outnumbered.
Their flags had a distinct design to identify themselves on the battlefield
of the Warring States Period.
また、苦戦中に 「旗色が悪いなぁ」 なんてつぶやいたりしませんか?
you can't measure swords against any foe without the Japanese armor.
Tightly lash the helmet cord up to your chin !
It means that Idleness is the devil's workshop.
油断大敵、 勝って兜の緒を締めよ。
Never take off the helmets in your gut, or it's curtains for you.
あきらめたら(心の兜をぬいだら) 勝負は終わるよね。
When on inviting holiday,
it's my fun time to see sportsmanship and team spirit.
Mind you, it's Not Disneyfication !
Your kitties and your doggie friend look very dashing in their helmets. Although they don't seem to appreciate your handsome gift to them as much as they should. But maybe they should be glad they didn't get a whole suit with plenty of black leather and shiny metal.
返信削除I've always been intrigued by the samurai. But my eyes are glued to the samurai kabuto (?) on the cat! It looks so natural! He looks fierce and very strong :D
返信削除May the force be with you.
返信削除A great weekend for you all.
daily athens photo
Oh how sweet your babies look (lol) cute Ann!! I enjoyed your colorful post tonight. Very interesting and the video was nice. Looks like so much detail went in to the armour. aI can only guess the different kinds of material they used. Thank you for a great share-
返信削除Wishing you all a great weekend~
You are looking so SWEET
返信削除congrats all with your 5th birthday this year.
My compliments for your wonderful post
its fantastic :)
Have a Happy Week-end
and lots of love
返信削除Leenie ♡ Robert ♡ Regina ♡ Anya
返信削除It was so difficult for me to explain about Samurai. I'm ashamed that I make numerous errors in English every time. I'm sorry you can't get what I want to say. ;・・)? Thanks to your generosity and patience. (*ToT)人(T-T*)
Keiko さん
返信削除Natsu を褒めて頂けて嬉しいです。
Kaori さん コメントありがとうございます。
川越の街には 歴史的に面白い被写体は多くありそうですね。猫に兜 被せなくても。
初めまして、Anzuさん。他のポストも拝見し、すばらしい写真の数々と楽しいナレーションに釘付けになりました。 健全な勝負魂、ファイティングスピリットは気持ちがいいです。
返信削除Ekaterina さんのブログからここへ来ました。今までも頻繁にsnowwhite さん、sapphireさんのブログでお見かけしていたのですが、もっと早くに訪問すべきでした。 Natsuちゃんと犬ちゃん(Ann?)を眺めているだけでも癒され、しかも楽しくてためになります。また、訪問させてくださいね。
Yoko alias stardust
大変嬉しいコメント頂きありがとうございました。stardustさんのブログは英文も写真も桁違いに素晴らしく、私のようなお粗末な英文と ふざけた写真はお恥ずかしい限りです。これからも少しでも楽しんで頂ければ幸いです。(*゚▽゚)ノ宜しくお願い致します。
Beautiful blog Thank for your visit!
Great !!!