I get into a foreign film,
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Now showing throughout Japan after being released on February 10th.
We watched the movie with subtitle this Saturday.
I enjoyed the grayish and snowy sceneries in Sweden and London.
It was one of my purposes to watch them in the film.
It was one of my purposes to watch them in the film.
It seems there is the gap between the perceived and her reality.
Perhaps, that makes me interested in Ms. Rooney Mara.
She plays a unique character with a unique hairstyle.
Lisbeth is cool.
主演女優 ルーニー・マーラ の意外性 (ギャップ) が気になります。
The element of surprise is the keyword today.
I love being intriguingly off-center.
突飛さはある意味 魅力的だと思います。
My alias name is
Poison Ivy is hot.
Such a fictional character is full of surprises and has a playful spirit.
Actually, my reality is a woman who wants to try
anti-aging skin care products named Snake Poison Cream.
But my skin type is sensitive, so can't try that easily.
妖しい魅力の 毒婦 Poison Ivy もいいっすね~ ♪
毒といえば、「ヘビ毒マスク」 はいかがですか?
Such a fictional character is full of surprises and has a playful spirit.
Actually, my reality is a woman who wants to try
anti-aging skin care products named Snake Poison Cream.
But my skin type is sensitive, so can't try that easily.
妖しい魅力の 毒婦 Poison Ivy もいいっすね~ ♪
毒といえば、「ヘビ毒マスク」 はいかがですか?
As a consequence, the masque differs from conventional face-packs in that weekly use is
especially beneficial for those aggrieved by wrinkled, marked and sagging skin.
especially beneficial for those aggrieved by wrinkled, marked and sagging skin.
A Japanese NPO, the Anti-Ageing Network, has carried out a survey on supplements.
According to the results, more than half of those surveyed took supplements regularly.
The most popular supplement was vitamin C, which was followed by B-complex vitamins,
with Coenzyme Q-10 ranked third. (Hey ! we take all of supplements everyday.)
The NPO advises that while supplements can be useful, they are not medicine,
and people should not rely on them alone. A well-balanced diet and adequate sleep are
more important factors for maintaining health.
more important factors for maintaining health.
- Sorry for talking disjointedly, as usual. -
サプリメントは便利ですが 薬ではないので、それだけに頼らず、
Cats seen ti age so slowly and gracefully. Maybe if our faces were covered with soft and attractive fur we wouldn't feel the need for anti aging creams and supplements.
返信削除I agree. Mm-hm
The Mask / ANN & NATSUを見ると、ジム・キャリーの「マスク」を思い出しました!
These books are still waiting to be read by me, although my husband read and enjoyed all three. I better get on with them if I want to see the film.
返信削除Thank you for commenting about the film !! (*'-'*)
削除We watched the movie with subtitle yesterday. I enjoyed the beautiful grayish and snowy sceneries in Sweden and London in the film. It was one of my purposes to watch it. "Millennium" written about the shadowy family should be so much mysterious!!
Snake poison creamってほんとにあるんですか?!
cosmosさん はじめして。
ご覧のとおり品の良い皆様のblogと違い、好き勝手しているので驚かれたのではないでしょうか?(゚ー゚;A ヘビ毒クリームあるんです。実は入浴時のマッサーシクリームとしてトライし始めました。効果はまだ判りませんが今のところトラブルはないようです。これからも宜しくお願いしますヾ(=^▽^=)ノ
返信削除川*'-')フフ♪ お返事ありがとうございます。
返信削除コメント頂いていたのに今日気づき、大変失礼しました!(;゚∇゚) ヘビ毒クリームはボツリヌス菌と同じような効用だと知りました。ようするに麻痺させて皮膚を弛緩させるのでしょうか? 駄目元で入浴時のマッサージとして使い始めました(笑)肌が突っ張るようで?気持ちいいです。
削除Fun entertainment..the music sounds wild too! Well you can't go wrong with those ingredients either.. I can see the outstanding effects on puddy!!
返信削除I had so many distrations this morning but wanted to say how much I enjoyed the words- (Believe in Spring) with music of course ..I read it over, and Yokohama is truly a magical place..
Wishing you a great week my friend-
I love the song. I'm glad to hear you love the song too.
削除We are so weak alone, but we could believe the hope if we will go together.(σ_σ)人(σ_σ)