Big city is likely to have many faces.
the foreign citizens are wearing various masks (facial expressions).
It seems to vary regionally.
そして 私達 旅人は、異国で暮らす市民が
街ごとに異なる仮面をつけている事に気づき 驚きます。

Is there a mask you want to put on your face in this picture ?
貴方が付けてみたいマスク この中にありますか?
My favorite town is an area
where there are many antique-shops, secondhand bookstores and galleries.
私の好きな 骨董、古書、画廊街
The town's people wear a mask named "MUSTY".
それは 埃っぽい街
My daughter's favorite town is an area
where many shops supply clothes, shoes, accessories and cosmetics.
娘が好きな 衣服、靴、雑貨、化粧品街
That's mask "All The Go".
それは 流行物の街
My husband's favorite town is an area
where many shops supply bags, wallets, belts.
主人が好きな 鞄、財布、ベルトを扱う皮革街
That's mask " Leather personal Items"
それは 皮革小物の街
It seems to vary regionally.
そして 私達 旅人は、異国で暮らす市民が
街ごとに異なる仮面をつけている事に気づき 驚きます。

Is there a mask you want to put on your face in this picture ?
貴方が付けてみたいマスク この中にありますか?
My favorite town is an area
where there are many antique-shops, secondhand bookstores and galleries.
私の好きな 骨董、古書、画廊街
The town's people wear a mask named "MUSTY".
それは 埃っぽい街
My daughter's favorite town is an area
where many shops supply clothes, shoes, accessories and cosmetics.
娘が好きな 衣服、靴、雑貨、化粧品街
That's mask "All The Go".
それは 流行物の街
My husband's favorite town is an area
where many shops supply bags, wallets, belts.
主人が好きな 鞄、財布、ベルトを扱う皮革街
That's mask " Leather personal Items"
それは 皮革小物の街
The people drifting through their habitats were
wearing masks/faces which were regionally different,
as if it's the purpose to camouflage themselves.
In big city there are many unique towns and
different types of people choose their comfortable habitation in those towns.
What type of the town do you inhabit ?
You are wearing a mask that is similar to your citizens, aren't you ?
あなたも日々暮らすその街に溶け込む仮面をつけているでしょう ?

In big city there are many unique towns and
different types of people choose their comfortable habitation in those towns.
What type of the town do you inhabit ?
You are wearing a mask that is similar to your citizens, aren't you ?
あなたも日々暮らすその街に溶け込む仮面をつけているでしょう ?
We were literally The Stranger in Korean towns.
I wondered why they noticed we are Japanese sitting in silence.
Probably our faces might wear traditional Japanese masks
or innocent suckers. (LOL)
or innocent suckers. (LOL)
韓国では私達は文字通り よそ者/ストレンジャーでした。
黙って座っていても 日本人観光客だと気づかれるのは何故でしょう? おおらく、典型的な日本人の仮面を付けているのでしょう。

The Stranger
by Billy Joel
Well we all have a face
That we hide away forever
And we take them out and show ourselves
When everyone has gone
That we hide away forever
And we take them out and show ourselves
When everyone has gone
Some are satin some are steel
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of the stranger
But we love to try them on
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of the stranger
But we love to try them on
誰もが 着けたがる。
You may never understand
How the stranger is inspired
But he isn't always evil
And he isn't always wrong
How the stranger is inspired
But he isn't always evil
And he isn't always wrong
どうやって その顔が呼び起こされるのかを
Though you drown in good intentions
You will never quench the fire
You'll give in to your desire
When the stranger comes along
You will never quench the fire
You'll give in to your desire
When the stranger comes along
あなたが 善意の中に隠れていても、
Very interesting. Do people wear masks on any day or just as part of a holiday celebration? Do they wear them to protect against weather? smog? or just for fun? We wear masks here on Oct 31 and for masquerade parties. Sometimes young people wear weird clothes and hair just to be different, but I think that is universal. The masks you show are amazing!
返信削除Thank you, Leenie
削除It's interesting to catch the various masks all over the world. Usually the masks might be worn on a festival or a stage. I was surprised to have found a few people in Korean town are controlling their features (as like wearing a mask) to refuse the interference of others. I suppose young people will create new masks going along at the time.
Seoul looks like an amazing city.
返信削除Thank you, LindyLouMac
削除We see Soul is a miniature version of Tokyo. We could enjoy more reasonably priced and good taste.
でも、こういう見方もあるのかなっておもいました。私たちも、中国や韓国からの観光客、言葉を聞かなくてもだいたいわかります。その土地の文化、歴史、食べ物 など、などの中で暮らしているとそうなってくるのでしょうか??
削除日本では大勢の人ごみの中ですれ違う人の無表情に怯える事はありません。おおよその気分は伝わってきますから。異国の雑踏では彼らの表情から何も読み取れないのです。何故でしょう!? それに恐怖を感じました。表情は言語外の共通認識でもあるのですね。息子さんが修学旅行のお土産で買われたマスクにも「一体何の笑いなのか想像できない」居心地の悪さがあったのでしょうね。判ります。興味深い話をありがとうございます。私が伝えたかった事に気づいて頂けて嬉しいです。
削除Hi, Anzu-san! As a life-long fan of Billy Joel, I’m so happy you associated your thoughts partly to my favorite song. I’d like to be just the way I am, which makes me feel most free and comfortable.
返信削除Your thoughts on mask is interesting. We might be wearing cultural mask unconsciously as most of cultural things are like hidden part of an ice berg. I agree with you “表情は言語外の共通認識でもあるのですね." This might be a bit off the point but I become more assertive when speaking English and more modest when speaking Japanese.
Billy Joelは若い頃「The Stranger」をピアノを叩きながら歌っていましたね。また、愛する人には I love you just the way you are.であって欲しいとも。今になって彼の気持ちがほんの少し判った気がします。
返信削除loved the post!
Thank you !
削除I'm glad you recommended the music to me.
It's fun to share a music with blogger of the world. ♪(゚◇゚人゚◇゚)