Osaka Station.
My husband and I used to use this terminal
on the way to work or school
more than 20 years ago.
かつて、主人も私も 数年間 通勤や通学で利用していた 大阪駅
1980 年頃の大阪駅
その当時の 阪急三番街
As you know,
the landscape in front of big stations
has been changed drastically
everywhere on the earth.
おそらく どこの国でも
大きな駅前の景観は 劇的に変わってきました。
1874 年 5 月 11 日 大阪―神戸間に 初めて汽車が開通。
初代の 大阪駅
二代目の 大阪駅 1901 年頃
With a huge variety of thoughts,
a lot of people are passing through the station.
Perhaps, the things in your head might be
today's incident at school or work,
the matters of your family or lover and so on.
駅では、実に多くの人が さまざまな想いを抱えて 行き交います。
おそらく 頭の中は、今日の 職場や学校での 出来事、
家族、恋人の事 などなど・・・
家族、恋人の事 などなど・・・
Many people might think about tomorrow
as going through the station.
駅を通る時、多くの人はおそらく 明日を 想うのでないでしょうか?
In this homecoming visit,
we stayed at a hotel in front of Osaka station
to give care to elder parents.

We could have a precious time at the hotel
with waiting for the first train of the day.
あなたの 思い出深い 駅で 一度 立ち止まって、
昔を 振り返ってみてください。
We might be passengers on the trains in life.
The terminal stations are similar to
different lines in our life.
different lines in our life.

We happened to see them
at husband parents' house.
at husband parents' house.
They are old-time distant relatives I had never met.
And then,
Let's head home to the family
Let's head home to the family
A great mean to measure time, life and society.
返信削除Mr.Roert, thank you!
削除Our imaginations make it possible to journey through space and time.(o^-')b
So many amazing city buildings both old and modern! There is nothing like that where I live. Not even a passenger train. I have only ridden on trains a very few times. Such fun and happy family photos. I hope the people you went to visit are well and able to enjoy your visit. Still with all travel it is nice to come home and have those who love you there to greet you.---Even if they are a little angry you went off and left them. hee hee
返信削除Hi! Leenie
削除It's hard to maintain a family(cats and a dog) who live life today.
So, thanks to my husband who commutes to work on horrified on crowded trains.(LOL)
I'm glad to hear you enjoy it.
Have a nice autumn with your family ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ
Keikoさん 目に留まり流し撮りした写真に興味を持って見て頂けた事、嬉しく思います。人混みの中で写真を撮るのは実は苦手です。数年前にkeikoさんが撮られた京都駅の写真の数々、よく覚えていますよ。建造物と人とが作りだす独特なエネルギーが感じられ感動した覚えがあります。黒子とは、自分が駅構内の人混みの中に上手く紛れ込む事ができるという意味でいいのでしょうか? そうだとしたら、私は「大阪駅のジオラマ内に点在する人々のフィギュアの中」から人待ち顔のkeikoさんを探してみたいと思います (*'ー'*)ふふ