Your eyes may be whole
But the story I'm told
Is that your heart is as black as night
あなたの瞳に 欠けたものなどないだろう
あなたの心は 夜の闇のように暗い。
Your lips may be sweet
Such that I can't compete
But your heart is as black as nightあなたの唇は甘美なものでしょう
I don't know why you came along
At such a perfect timeBut if I let you hang around
I'm bound to lose my mind
だけど、もしあなたと 一緒にいたなら
Cause your hands may be strong
あなたには 力があるかもしれないけれど
だけども、心は 悪意に満ち
Your heart is as black
Oh, your heart is as black as night
そして それは 夜の闇のように
“I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there.”
- Oscar Wilde -
“ Wickedness is a myth invented by good people
to account for the curious attractiveness of others. ”
悪とは、他人の奇妙な魅力を 説明するために、
善良な人々によって発明さえた 神話である。