Ancient Kyoto
in season of fresh greenery are wonderful place to visit.
We(a family of three) enjoyed the trip 2 years in a row 2007-2008.
These are records of the trip itself.
I recommend with confidence
a beautiful Japanese Garden in Kyoto.
無鄰菴 Murin-an
A location for the movie
"The Last Samurai"
南禅寺 Nanzen-ji
山科疎水 Lake Biwa Canlal

青蓮院 Shōren-in

in season of fresh greenery are wonderful place to visit.
We(a family of three) enjoyed the trip 2 years in a row 2007-2008.
These are records of the trip itself.
a beautiful Japanese Garden in Kyoto.
無鄰菴 Murin-an
A location for the movie
"The Last Samurai"
南禅寺 Nanzen-ji

Gion 祇園 舞妓
白川南通 Shirakawa Canal

The first day's Japanese-Style Inns
At a Japanese style inn,
a serving lady will bring dinner to your room.
Next day, we cycled across
through my husband's alma mater,
went single file along Kamo River.
After long time cycling we reached

白川南通 Shirakawa Canal
The first day's Japanese-Style Inns
At a Japanese style inn,
a serving lady will bring dinner to your room.
through my husband's alma mater,
上賀茂神社 Kamigamo Shrine
(world's cultural heritage)
(world's cultural heritage)
Imamiya Shrine 今宮神社

晴明神社 Seimei Shrine
Abe no Seimei was an onmyōji,
0nmyōdō is a traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology,
a mixture of natural science and occultism.
He was also an astrologist and predicted astrological events.
The second day's Western-style hotel
Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto
A tea-ceremony house is attached to the hotel.

On the final day,
It was raining since early morning.
Our original plan was to ride a cable,
go hiking to 貴船神社 Kibune Shrine.

my daughter's favorite sweets
生麩 Namafu (wheat starch)
It cleared up in the afternoon.
So, we made an excursion to
宇治 平等院 Byōdō-in
in Uji-City by Keihan Train.
(world's cultural heritage)

Abe no Seimei was an onmyōji,
0nmyōdō is a traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology,
a mixture of natural science and occultism.
He was also an astrologist and predicted astrological events.
Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto
A tea-ceremony house is attached to the hotel.

On the final day,
It was raining since early morning.
Our original plan was to ride a cable,
go hiking to 貴船神社 Kibune Shrine.

my daughter's favorite sweets
生麩 Namafu (wheat starch)

So, we made an excursion to
宇治 平等院 Byōdō-in
in Uji-City by Keihan Train.
(world's cultural heritage)
返信削除Sooooooo many wonderful nature shots
Its beautiful in your country !!!!
Love your new background !!!!
I want also made a new one but I cannot do it
Its the Kareltje cartoon hehehe....
Good Night to all
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Fantastic set of photos! Both architecture and gardens are just gorgeous! Great post!
返信削除This is incredible..the intensity of the green is incredible!! I love the watery reflections and the blue sky..There are so many things here, I'm wondering if you had any of these photos framed? I like that's like trees forming a lacy silhouette by your husband's alma mater.
返信削除Good you put up a link!
I missed this lovely blog about Kyoto. All of your photos are stunning! I have not been to Kifune Shrine for a long time. Your photo made me want to visit this mysterious shrine.