Companies and public offices usually change personnel in spring.
I have been working as a clerk at university in Yokohama for 15 years.
I'm moved off to another section on some personnel reshuffle at the end of the month.
I had gotten used to my work and had a good personal relationships with my workmates.
It was so comfortable working environment for me.
So, this official notification of appointment was an upsetting event.
However, as you know, it's difficult that
we just want everything to be like it used to be forever at the workplace.
しかし、ご存知の通り 職場において、
永遠に 今までと変わらずある事を 望む事はできません。
Moving to a new section next Monday,
I'm going to feel my way for a while in my new work.
It's head-time.
Although I'm not as young as I used to be,
I'll cope positively with this change and
make new compatible workmates.
もう若くはないのですが 変化を前向きにとらえて
気の合う仕事仲間を また作ろうと思います。
異動は、たいへんでしょうけど新たないい出会いもあるでしょう。Good luck.
削除Wishing you only the very best on this adventure. It might become a chance.
返信削除Thank you very much !
削除Probably, I have to accept the change is inevitable.
Then, variety might be the spice of life.
how interesting that you can be moved from one post to another without applying for a new position! I hope it works out for you.
返信削除Thank you for teaching me the importance of working with any changes. ('-'*)
削除I take my hat off to you, Anzu-san, who constantly keep updating this wonderful blog while working for a university. Familiarity might make you feel assured and comfortable but novelty would sure enable your to find another piece of yourself. You’re diving into fresh cold water leaving lukewarm one. Breathe in deeply, take it easy, and good luck!
削除Oh my..I can see why you'd be concerned..this is a big change!! Well, I'm sure everything will work out for you! Keep us updated (cute cartoons) Warm hugs from the Big Island:)
返信削除I'm heartened by the warm get-well-wishes received from you.
削除Thank you very much! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ" I'll keep rolling far.